Ebola in Depth!

Below are videos made about Ebola by different pairs in my AP Bio class. Enjoy!

A video on details about Ebola, made by Bharathi Chinnakotla is below:

Davis Whalen made a video containing data, images, and graphics about Ebola. The video is below:

Below this is Jennifer and my Prezi about Ebola and cell signaling. We used Google Draw to make our own visuals. Below the first video (Prezi), I have included the videos that were embedded in the Prezi so you can watch them because we did not show them in the ScreenCast.

Current research being done to better understand Ebola is shown in Abi Grassler’s PowerPoint below:

This project has taught me a lot about Ebola. I learned more about the gruesome statistics, the studies scientists have been conducting and the protocols being taken to contain and control this disease. Reflecting on this, I am more thankful about the country we live in and the health benefits we have. Because of the spread of Ebola, the CDC is a driving force in helping to define the protocols and practices that should be used to stop the spread. Working towards a common goal, the United States and other countries have banded together to exchange ideas and give resources to the affected countries. Sharing the information in my blog post will further educate others about Ebola and how the virus works.

Some questions I still have after this project are:

-What measures are being taken to make these Ebola victims more comfortable and more capable of fighting off this disease?

-If you are considered “free” of Ebola after having it, is there still a chance the virus is still inside you waiting to be triggered? (Kind of like Herpes or other diseases that come and go)


One thought on “Ebola in Depth!

  1. Since I was your partner in the investigation, I was very glad about how our project came out. It got very challenging trying to figure out the different cell signaling pathways. I liked how you included about even if you are considered “free” of Ebola, how it may still be in your system. Very nice post and I was glad I was able to be your partner 🙂


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