Mid-Year Reflection!

Half way through the school year, I now know exactly what is looked for in the class. My blog is now better organized and the posts contain more information and I have put more time and effort into them.

Personally, what I find most impressing about my blog is the wide variety of information and content that is included. My blog is not focused around a specific subject but instead covers a lot of different topics. These topics include, Ebola, the California drought, Sickle Cell Disease, the Bay, and extra credit assignments.

The challenges I have overcome include technology issues that come with WordPress. I did not know, at first, how to categorize my posts or embed polls. After a lot of searching through the website and looking on Google, I managed to figure it out and my grades on my blog posts increased drastically just by these few improvements.

Some challenges I still face are how to manage my time most efficiently in order to complete my posts on time. I also face the challenge of making my blog more interesting and more engaging without being redundant.

Reflecting on this past half-year, I feel as if I have drastically improved on the quality of my posts and how to work the website. I cannot wait to see what other improvements I can make by the end of the school year!

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