Do Now: Ebola

The outbreak of the Ebola virus has raised alarms from neighboring countries. Ebola has been estimated to have killed 2,288 people and is expected to infect thousands more in the upcoming weeks. Ebola is contracted through direct contact with infected bodily fluids. This includes semen, urine, sweat, saliva, and blood.

Ebola is challenging to overcome for the effected countries and communities because of their lack of health infrastructure. This makes it near to impossible to control, contain, and purge the disease. In order to help control Ebola from spreading, the international community should send aid workers, medicine, supplies and information about proper burial techniques in order to help overcome the Ebola outbreak. Although there is no known cure or vaccine, the international community can help by sending medicine to treat the symptoms and make the victims of Ebola more comfortable and in less pain. It is vital for the international community to step in and lend a helping hand because if not, Ebola will continue to spread and eventually affect places and countries not apart of the African continent.

The spread of Ebola has affected my way of thinking my making me see how important doctors are. It has made me see how long vaccines take to be accepted and legalized in order to treat diseases. Ebola has caused companies and scientists to speed up the process of developing a vaccine and even so, it will take a long time. The spread of Ebola has also made me realize how vital it is to have clean hygiene and take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of other diseases as well.

Information Source:

Image Source: W, R. L. “Ebola’s Spread.” Weblog post. N.p., n.d. Web.

One thought on “Do Now: Ebola

  1. Ebola is such a big deal. It’s scary to think about. Your post made me learn more about Ebola and how you think about it. I can’t wait to learn more about Ebola in AP Bio. Hopefully soon we can see a shot or something come out that can help people with Ebola 🙂


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